AFAM Strategy offsite took place on September 7th and 8th in Palo Alto and San Francisco. AFAM is a non-profit organization incorporated in California in 2007 with a mission to grow the brand image of Arts et Métiers in the US and to strengthen the community of its students and alumni based in the USA.

This year AFAM celebrated its first decade and to this occasion AFAM issued a decade report and organized a September offsite to prepare a strategic plan for the next decade.

Arts et Métiers ParisTech President Laurent Champaney came to the Bay Area to take part in this important event. Other participants were Associate Professor Michael Deligant, in charge of parcours US students, la SOCE Secretary Corentin Lallet, attaché for Science and Technology at SF Consulate Philippe Perez, AAGEF President Anne de Louvigny Stone, General Manager at French Tech Hub Sylvia Gallusser, co-founder at BootStrapLabs Ben Lévy, to mention a few, and of cause AFAM board members Eric Benhamou, Xavier Wartelle, Marc Amblard, Thomas Ferré, JB Commans, Aurore Prévot, Jean Pommier.

To see the full program of the past offsite please visit our website. All the results of the offsite will be announced to the Community in October.

Photo below: AFAM offsite participants. Day 1 in Palo Alto, CA

Photos below: AFAM offsite participants on Day 2 in San-Francisco