In June 2014, I had the opportunity to travel to France to meet key people at the School and the Société des Anciens (la Soce).
I started by meeting the Heads of research of the 4 laboratories in the campus of Paris: Procédés et Ingénierie en Mécanique et Matériaux (PIMM), Dynamique des Fluides (DynFluid), Biomécanique (LBM), Conception de Produits et Innovation (LCPI), and the 3 laboratories in the campus of Lille: Electrotechnique et Electronique de puissance (L2EP), Ingénierie Numérique de Systèmes Mécaniques (LSIS-INSM), Mécanique (LML). Those conferences gave me the opportunity to become more familiar with their fields of researches, and be in a better position to facilitate further collaboration with local US partners (companiesand universities).
I also had the chance to meet, in Metz, our long time partner, GeorgiaTech. The School is proud of the double degree ENSAM/GTA, the only one currently with an American university. After this focus on the faculty, I met the management team of the School and all directors, especially the ones I’m working with.
While in France, I had the occasion to spend time with our Association at Iéna. I met the President, Jacques Paccard, and several VPs and discussed with them how, through my position, I could help to develop the image of Arts et Métiers in the US. Discussing with them, I emphasized how the relationship between School and Alumni is important, especially here in the US.
I had the occasion to discuss with many great people, and realized that our school has changed a lot since I left in 2001. In particular the curriculum is now completely different than what it was, with a great focus on international and professional experience.
Aurore Prevot (Li98), Arts et Métiers US Representative
The Gadzarts at the University of California, Berkeley – current students and alumni - gathered on Labor Day to welcome the newbies and catch up with the oldies as a new semester begins. This year, three Gadz joined the ranks of UC Berkeley: Meyssane, William and Zied. In total, 11 people, whose years ran from 200 to 212, attended this barbecue under the California sun. It was a great opportunity to tip the new students about the university, to share experiences, and of course to have fun! We also celebrated the creation of the Gadz-Berkeley Association - more fancy names have been proposed, such as The Great Gadz-B or Tabagn’s of Berkel’s, but any other suggestions are welcome! More to come about the association soon…
Beginning of June, Audrey Stewart, International Relations Director of ENSAM, and I spent a week in Texas to create and nurture partnerships with local universities and companies installed locally.
We visited 6 “local” though global companies. Our goal was to present our school, its values, and its academic specificities in order to get some internship positions fitted for our students and some sponsored master or PhD projects in American universities. We had the great pleasure to meet wonderful people in Schlumberger, Chevron, Technip, GDF-SUEZ, CGG and Baker Hughes. Thanks to either the presence of alumni in the management or well appreciated past experiences with interns, and with the help of Christian Turquat, Scientific Attaché at the French Consulat, a good amount of these companies will keep us in mind when it’s about quality interns.
Our objective in Texas was also to finalize the terms of a student exchange with Texas A&M (A&M standing for Agricultural and Mechanical not for Arts et Métiers). Texas A&M regroups a total of 50,000 students (Dwight Look College of Engineering – 12,000 students). We worked on a base plan of up to 6 Arts et Métiers students per year, in MS (Master of Science) or PhDs, in some of their departments, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering. The official partnerships still has to be signed, but as a first great news one of our student is integrating this fall Texas A&M for a financed PhD in Industrial Engineering.
We also met with the heads of International Graduate Programs at Rice University, another college in Houston (6500+ students on the campus, 2250 attending Brown School of Engineering). Our students will also soon have the opportunity to study in one of their departments.
Let's work together to make those partnerships successful !
Aurore Prevot, US Representative
Last June, Audrey Stewart, European and International Relations Director and I went in Texas to promote the school in US companies and universities. After one of our very long, yet productive days with future partners (read more), we had the pleasure to chill out with the local Gadz’Arts community.
We had the pleasure to enjoy the patio at The Tasting Room, downtown Houston and shared delicious wine and food. We spent a wonderful evening catching up with them about the changes at the school and the purpose of AFAM. We shared our American experiences and also our formal lives as students at the school.
Thank you all, Gadz’Arts from Houston for the warm welcome you organized for us during our visit in Texas !
Aurore Prevot (Li 98), US Representative.
On behalf of the School, I’m really happy to announce that 11 students have been accepted in a master’s program in the US, starting this fall 2014.
They’re going to integrate very prestigious campuses and proudly represent our School, our culture, and our local alumni. They will attend UC Berkeley, GeorgiaTech Atlanta, Columbia University, New York University, Texas A&M, Texas Tech and University of Florida. Their masters are really in a very large range of specialties, representing the wide spectrum of the current curriculum at Arts et Métiers ParisTech: Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Supply Chain Engineering and Management Science and Engineering.
I’d like to congratulate especially one of the 11. He’s been offered to integrate Texas A&M in PhD in Industrial Engineering. He’ll have the opportunity to graduate his master’s degree during is PhD curriculum. Being in the top 3 candidates, he’s been granted a fellowship. The Texas A&M and Arts et Métiers ParisTech faculties are collaborating for more than 20 years now.
Bravo to all of them.
We wish them a great endeavor in the US!
Aurore Prevot, US representative